(Photo Credit: Marie-II)
With Valentine's day just a couple of weeks away, now might be a good time to explore the psychology of love to find out more about your relationship style.
You can do this by taking part in an online experiment which employs the latest developments in psychometric and psychological testing to help further our understanding of how and why we love.
The test is introduced as follows:
Ever wondered what kind of relationship you have? Your personality plays a big part in shaping your romantic preferences and psychologists have come up with a "syntax of love" to classify people on the basis of their romantic relationship style.
This experiment was designed by Dr. Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic (Goldsmiths) and Prof. Adrian Furnham (UCL) and takes only 5-minutes. If you answer all the questions you will find out about your personality and relationship profile. If you are not currently in a relationship, you can still take the test: Just answer the questions on relationship thinking of your previous or most important past relationship.
When you finish you will receive instant feedback on your scores.
Fancy Doing The Test?
Click Here to give it a go.
In case you're wondering, yes I did do the test, and no, I won't be sharing my results here on the exploring psychology blog!
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Exploring Psychology: What is your relationship style?