Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Psychology Student Survival Guide

The first edition of the psychology student survival guide is now available. I really hope you find it useful and please feel free to pass it on to anybody who you think might be interested in taking a look.

I'm still working on a couple of sections that will appear in later editions and I intend to continually improve the guide based on feedback from users. I've created a page over at the main website where people can leave feedback and keep up-to-date by joining the psychology student survival guide mailing list. See following link.

Psychology Student Survival Guide Page

I've tried to accommodate as many of your suggestions as possible within the guide. There were a few requests for very specific information which may not appear. Can I suggest that such requests be posted on the psychology Q & A page or over at the facebook page (see following links).

Psychology Q & A Page

Psychology facebook Page

You can read/download the psychology student survival guide via the link below.

Psychology Student Survival Guide

All the best


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A Free & Comprehensive Guide to The World of Psychology

Psychology Student Survival Guide

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Psychology Student Survival Guide

Based on my experiences as a student and then a lecturer in the subject, I'm currently in the process of putting together a survival guide for psychology students. This will be a free eBook; which among other things will include help guides, tip lists and access to invaluable resources.

To make sure I'm on the right lines and to cover as many bases as possible, It would be really useful to find what you would like to see covered in the guide.

If you would like to let me know what would be on your help wishlist, you can do so via the following link.

Psychology Student Survival Guide.

I hope to have the first edition of the guide ready by the end of August. I'll be posting updates regarding progress both on the main website and the psychology facebook page.

Psychology facebook Page.

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A Free & Comprehensive Guide to The World of Psychology

Psychology Student Survival Guide