The exploring psychology blog is the place where I highlight and explore the most fascinating and compelling psychology related news and research.
Whether you are new to psychology, currently studying or thinking about studying psychology, or consider yourself an expert in the field, I very much hope that you find the material featured on the exploring psychology blog interesting.
Given the inextricable link between psychology and the human mind, I've just added a human mind page to the main website. From here you will be able to access a range of quality resources, including some outstanding videos.
You can visit the human mind page via the following link.
The latest addition to the psychology journal articles collection was inspired by the exploits of the acclaimed psychological illusionist Derren Brown, who created a real stir last week when he "predicted" the outcome of Britain's National Lottery.
See following link for full details, including a video of the "lottery prediction" live.
Derren Brown put forward the "Wisdom of Crowds" as a possible explantion of how he was able to achieve this apparently incredible feat; and in doing so, he drew explicitly on Vox Populi by Francis Galton.
You can read and download this classic article for free via the following link.
You may have already come across the virtual barber shop online e.g. Youtube. If so, you'll know what to expect and already appreciate what an amazing listening experience it is.
If you haven't listened to the virtual barber shop before, your ears are in for a treat, but before you let Luigi loose on your hair, a word or two to explain what it's all about.
The virtual barber shop is an extremely clever audio clip produced by QSound Labs and represents an example of a binaural recording.
What's So Special About A Binaural Recording?
Well, according to Aaron over at the Binaural Airwaves Blog, " is the most perceptually realistic recording technique in the world for humans. By capturing sound the way we hear as humans, our brains can most easily understand the subtle complexity of the sound and make sense of it."
How To Listen to the virtual barber shop For Full Effect
1. It's essential you listen through headphones.
2. Turn the volume up.
3. Close your eyes while you listen.
4. Eliminate all other sound (kids, pets, TV etc).
You can listen to the virtual barber shop via the Youtube video below but for maximum effect I'd recommend downloading the audio file and listening to it through your iPod/MP3 player, which you can do via the following link.
I've had a passionate interest in psychology for over 20 years. I began studying psychology in 1990, and I've been teaching psychology in some capacity or another since 1998.
I have a first class honors degree in psychology and a Masters in Occupational psychology from the University of Sheffield (UK). For a number of years, I was a lecturer in psychology at the University of Huddersfield (UK).
I have built four websites around my teaching and research interests.